Preferences and Document Settings You can customize a number of features of ToDo List. Preferences are general to the whole application and apply to any and all open ToDo List documents. Document Settings are specific to each ToDo List document. General Preferences To customize ToDo List, select Preferences from the File menu. A dialog box like the following will appear:   All of these items apply to the ToDo List application in general and will affect every document that you have open. Auto-Open Documents on Startup When this option is checked, each time you open ToDo List, it will auto- matically reopen any documents that were open the last time you used it. Confirm Before Deleting Item(s) When this option is checked, each time you delete (Clear in the Edit menu) the selected items, a dialog box will appear asking you if you're sure that you want to delete the item(s). Until you perform another command, deleted items can be restored by selecting Undo Clear from the Edit menu, so this option isn’t essential and defaults to off. If this option is checked, you’ll also get the warning when using the Remove Finished Item(s) command. Play Sound When Toggling Items When this checkbox is checked, each time you change the finished state of an item, the sound of a pencil making a check mark on paper is played. Uncheck this if you no longer want to here the sound. Pressing in Item Dialog Same as OK If this checkbox is checked, when you’re editing or creating a ToDo List item, pressing the Return key will click the OK button for you. If this is unchecked, then pressing Return will insert a new line into the text of the item. Holding down the Option, Control, or Shift keys when pressing Return momentarily reverses the setting of this preference. Auto-Save If this checkbox is checked, then ToDo List will automatically save changes that you make to open ToDo List documents. Changes can be automatically saved at regular intervals, or just when you close a document or quit. At Close or Quit ToDo List normally works like any other application, when you make changes to an open document, the changes aren’t actually saved until you select Save from the File menu. If you have changes pending when you close a window or quit, ToDo List will ask you if you want to save the changes. This preferences lets you change this default behavior. If At Close or Quit is selected, then ToDo List will automatically save any pending changes when you close a window or quit. Every xx Minutes If Every xx Minutes is selected, then ToDo list will automatically save any pending changes in all open ToDo List documents at the given interval. For instance, if “Every 10 Minutes” were selected, then once every 10 minutes ToDo List would go through all of the open ToDo List documents and any with pending changes would be automatically saved. New documents are not automatically saved until they have been saved at least once manually (so that they have a name and location on your disk). Document Settings These are settings that apply only to the active ToDo List document. To change a ToDo List document click on its window and then select "Document Settings..." from the Edit Menu.   Display Dates Using The selected font and size will be used to display the dates in the currently active ToDo List if it is set to display items by date. All fonts in the system and a selection of sizes are displayed. Sizes that don’t require scaling are displayed in outline text. Display Items Using The selected font and size will be used to display all items in the currently active document. All fonts in the system and a selection of font sizes are displayed. Sizes that don’t require scaling are displayed in outline text. Only Copy Text To Clipboard If checked only the text of an item when copied or dragged will be transferred (e.g. no checkbox, priority or date.) For example, if you access the Internet and select this setting, you can create a list of URL's and drag one to a compatible browser's window (ie. Netscape) to automatically jump to that WWW page. Display Miniature Calendar If this checkbox is checked, then a small calendar will be displayed across the top of the ToDo List document. It will display as many months as possible for the current window width. By using the arrows on either side, you can scroll the months displayed. A single click on a day in the calendar will scroll the list of items so that the first item on or after that date will be at the top. Double-clicking on a day in the calendar will create a new item. Dates With ToDo Items If this box is checked, then ToDo List associates each item in the list with a particular date. When you create a new item ToDo List automatically inserts the default date (today’s date or the last date you manually specified). You can also change the date for an item when you edit it, or by dragging it to a new location in the list. Typically you’ll have some lists that include dates (for items that were done or need to be done on a particular day) and other lists without dates (for items that don’t easily associate with a particular date, like a grocery list). Show Days Overdue If you’re displaying dates and items were automatically carried forward, checking this box will cause ToDo List to display a small number to the right of the checkbox that indicates the number of days the item was carried forward. It will display “1” to “9” or “>” for ten or more days. Carry Unfinished Items Forward ToDo List can automatically move unfinished items from earlier dates forward to today’s date each time the file is opened, or at midnight if ToDo List is still running. Note that items are not immediately carried forward if you create them with an old date. Also there is no Undo for the carry-forward action – if you change your mind you’ll have to Revert the document to the previously saved version. Speak Items Using This popup menu lists all voices currently installed in your system along with a special entry: “Default Voice”. Select the voice to be used when speaking items in the list. If the selected voice later becomes unavailable or there isn’t sufficient memory, ToDo List will use the default voice.